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We are the environmentalist party.

The environmentalist party believes in helping to revive the environment for a sustainable future. We plan on introducing laws that will bring more awareness to the world around us. We believe that the environment should be a bigger priority in everyone’s lives. Moving forward we aim to get more and more people involved in helping to protect our environment, by doing this we expect that people will want to become more involved in keeping the environment clean so it can thrive for longer. In the environmentalist party we strive to show significant development of the environment in Australia making it an ecofriendly and more sustainable place to live. We want to achieve factors like climate change awareness, reduce in plastic material usage, deforestation, saving native plants, replanting trees and recycling bins. We need everyone to be aware that our earth is slowly deteriorating and if we don’t do anything to save it, it will die. By one person doing the right thing isn’t going to make a difference but if everyone plays their part, we will be able to see necessary change. By voting for us we will ensure that we will build an optimistic future for the environment and many generations after us to enjoy and live in.

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